Take 5--Thankful Edition 2

My friend teased me about the fact that we already did thankful edition over here at the nest. I laughed and wrote back that there is never a limit on being thankful. I think we get so busy living that we sometimes forget gratitude. I do not desire to forget. So, this week, we're giving thanks again, for things big and small, for the opportunities we are given and those we let pass us by. Thanks. It's a small word with so much heart. It lies firmly in mine this week. I am so thankful.

1. I'm thankful for our groomer. Her name is Kim. The life she leads is not easy; she's supporting her adult son and granddaughter by making Fido look amazing. I am no longer able to bathe and trim our pup easily. It's too hard on my hands, back, hip and arms. I pushed forever not willing to give up this task that saves us money, but gave in about a year ago when I found Kim. She loves my pup and is as gentle with her as I am with my girls. I am thankful.

2. I'm thankful for godly women in my girls' lives. My friend, like a sister, encourages the chicks and acts as a sounding board when life is rocky; they look to her for gentle hugs, laughter, song and leading. Their dance teacher, who loves the Lord with her whole heart and serves Him in a variety of ways, both by nurturing little souls here and bigger ones abroad, spends hours a week shaping their form and hearts. My mom, who loves her granddaughters without judgement and sends cards weekly to remind her girls that they are loved and treasured. Little Bit's friends' moms...sweet women who raise their girls in the same fashion we do and have simply been a gift by allowing us into their group. For women who exemplify the presence of our God, I am thankful.

3. I'm thankful for my husband, who provides all of us with shelter, food, and the necessities plus more than I ever dreamed. He puts in grueling hours and does not get enough thanks; he's expected to just change his hat from prof/researcher to dad/husband/listener and playmate as soon as the ignition shuts off in the garage. Many days I know it is not easy to do so, and I appreciate the ways in which he loves us. I am thankful.

4. I'm thankful that three years ago I chose kids over career. I do not regret the time I put into the world outside our door, nor what it taught me about the abilities I possess and who I could be. I had a choice, sought wise counsel (my then eight and four year old gave input) and made up my mind. I am thankful.

5. I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to home school. It is rarely easy and usually takes more patience and energy than I possess, but it is proving, once and again, to be a gift. My sweet babes are excelling and growing and and learning. I have the privilge of bearing witness. These years will pass quickly and all too soon my chicks will leave the nest. I'll will never regret giving our kids the choice of learning here in our home, at their pace, with cirriculum geared specifically for them. I am thankful.

What causes you to pause and give thanks this week? I'd love to know...Just click below and follow the instructions to link to your Take 5 post. When it asks you to choose the web or a file for your thumbnail, choose web. Then it will take you to a list of the images on the page you are linking to and you’ll be able to choose a photo for your thumbnail--I can't wait to see what appears!


  1. I know I say it often, but it bears repeating: I love your heart. I love the way you meticulously and carefully hold the lives of those you love and give everything in those lives your most treasured attention. You constantly teach me, just by being you.

  2. Hey love...I'm honored and blessed to be called friend by you. It's a gift that surprises me every single day. I think it is you, who teaches me, but isn't that what friendship is about, growing together? No one I'd rather do it with. Love you! Oh, and you need to link :)

  3. See... you not only teach me, but help me remember things in this feeble, medicated brain of mine :)

  4. delightfully said. love your heart.
    i'm thankful too…


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