Five Minute Friday: Wonder

I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo for the last Five Minute Friday of 2012. Five minutes to write without editing, backtracking, overthinking...Five minutes of word freedom.

Today's topic? Wonder.

Ready. Set. GO!


The season where everything is aglow...where eyes, big and small, are filled with wonder.

Trees that fill busy city centers, movement everywhere.

A small hand nestled in mine as we look at the twinkle and her sweet, soft voice fills the aisles of the hardware store.


In this most holy of seasons, I search for it. In her eyes, in the stories, the songs, the hymns and the carols, in His Word.

I find it in the moments when I'm least expecting it.

In the cherished books at bedtime she's pulling out to read maybe for the last season and in the willowy figure that is turning from girl to young woman before my eyes. In the way he wakes and begins to try to rub the sore out of my stubborn hip and spine, even before he opens his eyes.

The wonder is in the grace of it all in this life. It's in seeing days in moments and giving thanks in the hard.

Wonder in the details.

It's in the tears, the laughter, the captured frame. In the tentative steps and the big leaps. In the grieving and the rejoicing I allow it to find me.

It's in the you + me.

Wonder is all about fresh eyes.


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