Take 5 Friday

It has been an amazing, whirlwind week full of memories, laughter and moments to cherish. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

1. On Saturday, we surprised the chicks with an extended weekend getaway to Wild Dunes in South Carolina. They were shocked and thrilled, in that order. I planned and packed in a day--a never before and probably never again feat.

2. Little Bit experienced the ocean and beach for the first time. Ever. Legs grew up living 20 minutes from those waters, but our little boo had never felt the waves lap on her legs or the breeze swirl through her hair. It was magical.

3. We were able to relive moments and memories. So much of our bigs littledom took place in Charleston that as we drove in to the darkened city it was a road filled with remember when and over there...although long past, it brought back sweetness.

4. We took our first true "vacation" as a family of four. Seeing as the little bit is six, it was long overdue. I'm not saying that there haven't been vacations, but that they've not occurred with just the four nuclear members of our clan.

5. The girls got time with the professor. He didn't open his computer while they were awake or take calls that came in, as they inevitably do. My man made his babes feel like the most important thing in the world. He shielded them from waves, built sandcastles, and took video. It was a gift that I don't even think he realized he was giving and one that they'll recall for the rest of their lives. His job is hectic and harried and requires more of him than we'll understand; for these precious days he showed the chicks they were all that mattered.

So many other things are happening that are worth posting as part of my take five on this Friday, but for today? Well, I choose to cherish these moments and make the most of them. Each and every one.


  1. so amazing... and thank you for taking me along with your sweet family of four. watching yodi gain confidence while walking into the waves was something... nie nie's excitement and all of your happy faces was by far the best part of my week, too. so glad you all had such amazing moments.

  2. what a treasure your husband gave to your children. you're right. they'll remember that vacation forever. unhurried time together as a family is such a sweet gift.
    thanks for sharing and encouraging me to capture that with my own family. even though they're both away at college, i need to carve away specific time for them when they come home (and aren't with their friends… carve, carve, chip, chip)


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