Take 5


I'm not a TGIF'er, but as of today I may be a convert. Seriously. I don't know about anyone else, but coming back from three days at the beach is enough to make a gal long for sun and sand indefinitely. Even when that girl deals with an illness where sun isn't supposed to part of the program. Good chicks can break the rules some of the time, right???

Our take five for the week, in no particular order

1. Last Thursday (yes, I know I'm going on a day eight, but this was a highlight of the month outside of sun and sand) I was able to spend over two hours on Skype talking to my best friend. Amazing. Little Bit did a show for us and Legs was at dance, so I honestly was able to just see and talk to her for over 120 minutes. It was glorious, grand, and just what my heart required.

2. BOTH of the free photo books I made arrived in the mail. I am seriously impressed with the quality, look and feel of the Picaboo book I created with our professional family photos that sweet Abby captured almost a year ago; Shutterfly arrived this morning and we sat and flipped through the pages, lost in memories. I LOVE THEM. Being able to digitally scrapbook and catalog moments makes me feel like I've accomplished something outside of being a wife, mother, and homeschooler.

3. The chicks created and sent my Mom birthday cards that were thoughtful, creative, and just plain fun. I mailed them, along with the Hallmark version I purchased, on time. This was an accomplishment in and of itself this week. They arrived today on her birthday and were a reminder that she's loved to pieces even though we're much farther apart geographically than I enjoy. Happy Birthday, sweet Mom of mine.

4. Following church, an extra dance practice for a special event this coming weekend, grocery shopping and leaving my wallet behind only to realize it five minutes later after picking up Legs from the aforementioned dance practice and then having to go back to Super Target to retrieve it, and a Sonic stop during happy hour, we did all of the first fall trimming. The beds, plants, and yard look fit and fantastic. Phew.

5. After donning maize and blue we cheered and hollered from 3:30 to 7 on Saturday evening. Go Blue!


  1. was it really two hours? seemed like it flew by. time always flies by with you. ;)


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