Comments Anyone?

Hi Friends,

I've switched up the comments to Disqus in an effort to answer you all more quickly.  Blogger was good enough to save the originals. Yet, for the life of me, I've yet to figure out how to answer them from the dashboard.


With all of that said, is there anything special you'd like to see here on the blog that I can tweak with design? I would like to make this more user friendly for you, so comments are appreciated and will be taken under advisement.

Oh, and for someone who is tech savy, could you tell me how to post a blog to twitter so it shows up as a bit  or something of the like? My skills lie in teaching intranstive verb forms and trichotomy these days (for our 7th grader) along with latin and long division (for our sweet 3rd grader). The joys of homeschooling are that you recall the learning of your youth without moving forward into tech savy-ness.

Off to finish piano theory with my little...we're studying transposition!


  1. Ahhhhhh......piano transposition. Now you are speaking my language!
    :)) As a pianist of many years, I have learned to transpose myself from the computer chair to the recliner....and then quickly back again. How's that??!! (Not Tranposing 101 is it, my friend.)
    Perhaps I'm thinking of "transporting." :))))))
    I hope that you are able to find answers to your Techie questions. I usually just ask a student/kid! They seem to be light years ahead o' me!! I hope you have a very good week, Shannon. Sending you warm smiles always......


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