Five Minute Friday: Remember

Today I'm linking up with The Gypsy Mama and trying out her five minute Friday. For five minutes I'll write, unscripted and unedited.  Today's topic? Remember.  

Ready, set....Go.


I can't remember what it's like to live not feeling every joint I've been given.

The joke around the nest is that I still have all of my original parts.

Every single one, even when I feel that they need a lube and oil.

I'm grateful.

The chicks mouths gaped in awe on on an evening not too long ago as I told stories they probably thought they were fairy tales about...


Playing soccer year round

Running miles, long and hard, the breath coming from the deep and the exhilaration filling all parts of me


...twirling in shoes pink and soft, feeling beautiful.

...long hours on the field in all weather, on and off for over a decade.

... how it felt when my feet barely touched the soil and I was lost to everything except the thoughts churning in my head.  Miles logged daily to compete with the man who would someday be daddy to the blue eyed girls sitting rapt before me.

...the way the sun kissed the top of my head and the fluid motion I was able to continue as I pulled off a fleece to cool my too warm body.

...freedom.  In every step, as my legs worked as God intended in a rhythm which caused my heart to soar.

...when it all ended and the shoes went back on the shelf, to be used only for gardening and looking the part.

.   .   .   .

I remember, but I do not regret.  

My thankful outweighs the heavy of the memory.

I finish up the story, laughing with my babes at how different life is now.

More purposeful

Grateful for the remembering of fall days spent flying...

If only for a little while.


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