Years Pass...

This morning I got lost in the remembering...

Instead of bustling through my schedule and checking things off the to-do list, I paused and looked over my shoulder

Carving with my Dad (I was 12 days short of 5 years)

Belle 2004

October 2005

2006 Cinderella and a tired trick-or-treater

Fern and my little pumpkin 2007 (yes,  we got mileage out of the pumpkin)

First Year in TN  2008

Oct 31, 2009 Disney for Daddy's work conference

Glamour Girl and Pebbles October 31, 2010
Little Witch (Professor Petite) 2011

As I was perusing the Halloween shots, I came across this one, taken seven years ago today...

November 1, 2004

Seven years ago...

My girls were four and the all important half and almost three months ... I thought I'd never sleep again and wondered how I was going to shop for Christmas with two little people. I recall making dinner and thinking  it was strangely quiet...too quiet. I peaked my head around the doorway from the kitchen to the main room and found them like this.  I remember it like it was yesterday. Sigh. Little all secure on her sister's lap and big fully in charge of the situation. 

We lived in a grad school shoe box townhouse on a large university campus where, on any given autumn Saturday, we listened for the roar of the stadium if the windows were thrown open. We owned one car, didn't have a dog, and the man was serving in the reserves while working on a PhD full time. It was busy. Chaotic. Challenging. Amazing.

November 1, 2011

Today the man has the degree, we're living in the south, we have a home and a dog. We still cheer for the same team and the chicks still love being together. It's busy. Chaotic. Challenging. Amazing.

I wouldn't have it any other way.


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