Five Minute Friday : Awake

Five minute Friday is here...five minutes where I'll write without editing, backtracking, or second guessing.  
Today's topic?  AWAKE.



What I do before the sun climbs into the sky so that I am able to exercise and pray and have a few moments of time unblemished by noise and the thoughts of the day.


It was what I was not today when the alarm went off and I tried to pretend that I didn't hear it's call.


How I want my heart to be to the world that surrounds me, with all of the messy and beautiful combined.


The Grace Girl at 1:30 am trying to process all of the "new" around her. New classes, harder curriculum, new friends who have half a decade on her, new dance and new styles. So much new for a heart that is still just waking up... which leads to troubled bedtimes and notice of the passing hands of the clock.



...grateful to be so.



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