Five Minute Friday:Delight

Today I'm joining my friend The Gypsy Mama for five minutes where I'll write without editing, backtracking, or second guessing.  Writing because it brings me joy. Peace...and delight, which just happens to be the topic. Smile.  I know I'm a few days late, but we traveled again all weekend and I wanted to make sure I was here today with all of you, so....

She's the feeling that bubbles from deep inside and wiggles and tickles until it bursts forth into a grin on your face or light in your eyes.

She arrives when I'm snuggling my little loves close, knowing that each moment is to be treasured and tucked away, because this time is fleeting.

She fills me when I watch my girls pursuing their passions. Slender fingers on white and black keys learning intricate fingering, or toes pointed and legs extended in leaps that are gravity defying.  My heart  grows bigger as their worlds expand.

I find her in the most unlikely of the cloud shapes as Little Bit and I lay on a blanket in the shade and gaze up to see what the heavens hold.  From a whale to a winged dog, delight is present in my babe's smile and her enthusiasm. I want her to stay with us forever.

In the small, quiet moments, she comes to me in sweet memories of laughter shared, prayer answered, fingers intertwined and time spent cheek to cheek with those I love. In refusing to take anything in this life for granted, delight is most present.

Delight. Known to cause beaming smiles and sparkling eyes. She's forever welcome in my world.



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